
Showing posts from January, 2017

37. Creating space

As far as inner transformation is concerned, there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot transform yourself, and you certainly cannot transform your partner or anybody else. All you can do is create a space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to enter.   ~ Eckhart Tolle I was sitting here sorting through quotes, trying to figure out which one best suited what is on my mind today. I have been thinking about why I have been successful so far. What has been different from past attempts?  I started out this time around with no expectations. Instead, I leaned on anticipation and curiosity. What's around the corner? Where will one more day of sobriety lead? Will it always be a struggle or is it true that it will get easier over time? And most importantly: Who am I without the crutch of alcohol? I started out this time with one real focus: sobriety. I didn't pile on a bunch of self-improvement projects the way I would if I bought a wreck of a house that I...

32. Gratitude and simplifying

Misery is impossible with gratefulness. ~ Osho Before I sat down to write this post I was busy drawing and then cooking my breakfast. Throughout those activities, I tried to stay in the moment and be present with what I was doing, but my mind would stray and start writing my blog post for me. However, by the time I put my fingers on the keyboard, all of the thoughts and ideas had disappeared. I have no idea what I meant to write about today. Day 32 and I'm feeling grateful for having gotten this far. Grateful to Holly over at Hip Sobriety for The Mantra Project . Grateful for all the support I've received at Hello Sunday Morning . Grateful for the support and comments from the Un-Tipsy Teacher . Grateful for my husband, my family, and my friends for all of their support. And grateful for this opportunity to begin to learn about who I am without alcohol. Are you familiar with the FlyLady ? A few years ago I tried her method of cleaning in an effort to get organized a...

30. Has it really been that long?!?

Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are. ~ Arthur Golden I would venture to say that sobriety is a bit like that, too. Once you take away the numbing effects of alcohol, you are left with yourself and finding out who you really are. I think that's why I often consider myself in discovery rather than in recovery. Day 30. I can't believe it's been thirty days, and I can't believe my last post was so long ago (on Day 18). As far as I can determine by my stats, I don't have many (any?) followers so there aren't too many who may have missed me while I was away. I meant to write, but it was the busy season (the holidaze and all that). Between spending time with family, traveling, and focusing on self-care, I didn't bother to find the time to come here and post. I also have another source of support. I have been hanging out at Hello Sunday Morning (HSM). You...