
Showing posts from March, 2017

Living in the present moment

Only the present moment contains life.   ~ Thich Nhat Hanh I recently experienced a small (very small) crisis in my life.  Along with gratitude for a positive outcome, I became more aware of what I believe my life is about and what my priorities should be.  One of those priorities is to stop wasting the precious moments I've been given. It is another Day 2.  Today would have been Day 5, but I detoured on Day 3.  Had it not been for the very small event that shook me up, I might have continued drinking for a while. I am making no promises or commitments to anything other than this day and this moment.  The only thing that exists is this moment.  The past is forever gone except for the ghost shadows we call memories, and even those are not reliable.  The future is yet to be.  It is in the here and now that truth exists. Sat nam


When you deeply accept this moment as it is -- no matter what form it takes -- you are still, you are at peace.   ~ Eckhart Tolle So, here I am starting over.  Same blog, different name, same person who began this journey a long time ago.  I have detoured many times and still, I end up here in this place of knowing that I can not continue to drink and drink and drink.  It is a form of slow suicide.   Today, while hanging out the laundry, I began to count my blessings and I realized that slow suicide is a way of being profoundly ungrateful for all that I have been given in life.  Ungrateful for life itself! Becoming a teetotaler, on the other hand, would be a celebration of the life I've been given, a way of saying thank you. I am committing to being here, in this place of discovery and recovery, every day for as long as it takes to transform myself from a drinker to a non-drinker.