
When you deeply accept this moment as it is -- no matter what form it takes -- you are still, you are at peace. 
~ Eckhart Tolle
So, here I am starting over.  Same blog, different name, same person who began this journey a long time ago.  I have detoured many times and still, I end up here in this place of knowing that I can not continue to drink and drink and drink.  It is a form of slow suicide.  

Today, while hanging out the laundry, I began to count my blessings and I realized that slow suicide is a way of being profoundly ungrateful for all that I have been given in life.  Ungrateful for life itself!

Becoming a teetotaler, on the other hand, would be a celebration of the life I've been given, a way of saying thank you.

I am committing to being here, in this place of discovery and recovery, every day for as long as it takes to transform myself from a drinker to a non-drinker.


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