30. Has it really been that long?!?

Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are.
~ Arthur Golden
I would venture to say that sobriety is a bit like that, too. Once you take away the numbing effects of alcohol, you are left with yourself and finding out who you really are. I think that's why I often consider myself in discovery rather than in recovery.

Day 30. I can't believe it's been thirty days, and I can't believe my last post was so long ago (on Day 18). As far as I can determine by my stats, I don't have many (any?) followers so there aren't too many who may have missed me while I was away. I meant to write, but it was the busy season (the holidaze and all that). Between spending time with family, traveling, and focusing on self-care, I didn't bother to find the time to come here and post.

I also have another source of support. I have been hanging out at Hello Sunday Morning (HSM). You won't find me under my current pseudonym. I'm using an old one (AniaS). If you happen to check out HSM, stop by and say hello. 

I do want to get back to writing here. The blogging platform is better suited to my long-windedness. Long form writing also helps me dig deeper into what is going on with my sobriety and my inner self. In addition, I want to return to a more structured day, doing the things that help build a solid foundation for my sobriety. Yoga, meditation, exercise, getting out in nature, drawing, and writing have supported me through the beginning days of living an alcohol-free life. I have to remind myself that I am still in the beginning days.

To sum up, I am still here, and still sober. The holidays were surprisingly easy. I suspect that was due to all the support I had, as well as a good smattering of tools to see me through the happy hours. 

Thanks for reading (if there is, indeed, anyone reading).  And Happy New Year!  ♥

Peace, love, and happiness,
Rania ☼


  1. Awesome!
    And I need more structure this new year.
    It's one goal I hope I can firm up for myself!
    I know that a schedule with structure would make me feel better!

    1. Thanks, Wendy. :) Structure keeps me pretty much on the right track. I know I'm sliding off when I stop doing All the Right Things.


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