
Growth and transformation occur not by changing who we are, but as we summon the courage to be who we are. 
~ Katrina Kenison, Magical Journey: An Apprenticeship in Contentment
I've been cleaning house today. I'd like to simplify my life, but realize that if I start piling projects on top of early sobriety, it will topple. I will do what I can, what I feel up to doing, and leave it at that for now. Every little bit helps.

One reason I am trying to stay aware of taking on too much is that there are a lot of upcoming travels and events, most of which I cannot cancel for a variety of reasons. The holidays, for instance, will happen with or without me and I don't plan to miss the opportunities I will have to spend time with my children and grandchildren and other family members.

Although I realize that thinking of the future will also cause problems with my present sobriety, I must remember and plan to take time out for myself when I can. For now, I can take things a little easy and enjoy the quiet times and moments, but there are still the daily chores to be accomplished, and life will be so much easier in the coming weeks if I can do some fall cleaning and decluttering now, this week. It occurs to me that giving up alcohol is a step in the right direction towards ridding myself of things I no longer need or want in my life.

Structure might help so I'm making up a schedule that includes exercise, yoga, meditation, time for reading and writing, and time for getting outside to enjoy the autumn season and the beauty of nature. This is my favorite time of year. If a few chores go by the wayside because I was involved in self-care, so be it.

I struggled last night. I finally gave up and went to bed early. It was a good night's sleep, and I woke up this morning feeling rested and refreshed. Waking hangover-free is a wonderful thing. I will have to remind myself of that when the happy hours approach and I start romancing the drink again.


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